Detailed History and Examination:

Nutrition care begins with Dr. Lord taking an extensive history. It is in this step that she listens to what has brought you into the office whether a pain-related condition, poor health  or wellness care.  Dr. Lord will guide the interview in a direction which will give her the greatest information about your current condition and all past medical issues.

The next step will be a combination of diet diary, functional analysis, review of previously reported bloodwork/urinalysis/radiography. Dr. Lord will arrive at a diagnosis or multiple diagnoses and will review her findings with you along with a treatment plan and details about what treatment will be recommended for your care.

Treatment visits:

Each treatment visit will review the progress that has been made since the previous visit and counsel closer to the goal. In this step there may be the use of supplements to aid in your treatment depending on the condition.


Chiropractic Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic


Dr. Lord utilizes virtual visits to help maintain your help when it is not possible for you to be treated in to the office.  These visits may take place over the phone, Facetime, or Skype in real time or may be asynchronous via text or email. During these visits we may discuss a pain-related symptom, correct ergonomics of a workstation or home office, discuss exercise regimens or nutrition protocols or take the rehabilitation protocol to the next level. 


Detailed History and Examination:

Chiropractic care begins with Dr. Lord taking an extensive history. It is in this step that she listens to what has brought you into the office whether a pain-related symptom or wellness care.  Dr. Lord will guide the interview in a direction which will give her the greatest information about your current condition and all past medical issues.

The next step is a comprehensive neuromusculoskeletal examination, during which your body will be examined for neurological function, joint and tissue ranges of motion, mechanics of joints, health of muscles, ligaments and fascia and overall health of your body. Part of the examination includes orthopedic testing, gait and posture analysis and foot scanning.  

Following the history and examination, Dr. Lord will arrive at a diagnosis or multiple diagnoses and will review her findings with you along with a treatment plan and details about what treatment will be recommended for your care.

Treatment visits:

Each treatment visit will involve a mini-assessment and history of the time since your last visit.  The care will be a combination of manual soft-tissue mobilization (Active Release, Graston Therapy (R), Trigger point therapy, proprioceptive relaxation techniques, and myofascial re-education), chiropractic manipulation of spinal and extremity joints, physiotherapeutic modalities (ultrasound, electric stimulation, traction) coaching and exercise rehabilitation as needed to aid in optimal healing.