Chiropractic Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic

COVID-19 UPDATE ​April 2020

​​​We are still here to serve you.  We want to assure you that we are taking every precaution to keep you safe at Active Chiropractic of Rye including:

  • Sanitizing every point of contact between visits including chiropractic table and equipment, chairs, reception desk etc.
  • Appointments are by appointment only and are spaced out for social distancing
  • No staff on site during visits
  • Patients and Dr. wearing masks
  • We are asking that each patient please stop by the washroom and wash hands for 20 seconds before entering the office.

​It is more important than ever for us to keep our immune system boosted with excellent nutrition and water intake, plenty of sleep, a healthy amount of physical activity. Our mental health is as important as our physical health.  If you need to speak with someone about anxiety or mental stresses please ask Dr. Lord or your medical physician for a referral.